
“The flake of snow grew larger and larger; and at last it was like a young lady, dressed in the finest white gauze, made of a million little flakes like stars. She was so beautiful and delicate, but she was of ice, of dazzling, sparkling ice; yet she lived; her eyes gazed fixedly, like two stars; but there was neither quiet nor repose in them. She nodded towards the window, and beckoned with her hand.”
blahbl— Hans Christian Andersen.

ind. pri. sel. elsa of arendelle from disney’s frozen.written by holly.est. 6th october 2013.


GENERAL. No Godmodding should go without saying at this point. I write with anyone, multimuse, OC, canon, as long as the muse is developed and has sufficient information available to me. Please do not take my original content as your own. This includes headcanons and metas.TRIGGERS. I will always do my best to tag sensitive content, and if I ever miss something feel free to point it out to me, likewise if you would like something to be tagged, you are welcome to drop me a message about it. I would appreciate spiders being tagged due to a phobia, but don’t worry too much about it.REPLIES & FORMATTING. I don't expect my length to be 100% matched but I do appreciate some attempts to keep it close. I very quickly will drop threads if I write you paragraphs and receive a single line in return. I tend to write multi-para with icons, but I am up for serval different styles! Also if I ever write a reply you can't work with, let me know and I'll edit it!PERSONAL BLOGS. I am absolutely fine with being followed by personal (non-rp) blogs. You are welcome to like my posts and interact with me. I just ask that you don't reblog anything but gifsets or things I have specifically marked as okay to reblog from me. I shall try and tag other posts as not to be reblogged. Anyone who breaks this rule more than once will be softblocked. Thank you very much!

SHIPPING. If our muses have chemistry, I’m up for shipping them. I would prefer some conversation happening before getting into shippy things, even if it’s just a quick message to ask if it’s okay. Once that has been established, go wild.FOLLOWING. This blog is selective and private, meaning I write exclusively with mutuals. I am in my mid-twenties, and for my own comfort, I would rather keep my mutuals at 18+. However, non-mutuals are welcome to send in asks, or jump into my IMs if you’d like to talk! Please do not follow me if you ship Elsanna.SMUT & NSFW. Smut is unlikely to ever be on my blogs as I’m uncomfortable writing it. However other NSFW topics may be written about; I will always do my best to tag these.ACTIVITY & CONTACT. I will oftentimes be online even if I’m not actively posting. Mutuals are free to ask for my Discord! I will try my best to answer in a reasonable time frame, but if it has been a while, feel free to poke me for an answer!DRAMA. For the sake of my own mental health, I will not be getting involved in any drama/discourse that passes my dash. If you want to have a conversation with me about anything, my ask and IMs are always open.DUPLICATES. Please know I love and adore my fellow Elsas. Feel free to follow and we can scream about our baby together.

RE: ELSA'S ETHNICITY. Elsa is a half-Arendellian, half-Northuldran woman. These translate to half-Norwegian, half-Sámi, if going by what Disney has said and some inference. I want to write any posts and headcanons/metas fully with this in mind. I will always try to research as thoroughly as I can, and if I get something wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me! I have no plans to ever have a live action fc. However I may still occasionally reblog images from the musical for the aesthetic/because I love Caissie and Sam's take on Elsa. They are not my live action fc. Just making sure to put that out there! Anything live action (whether from the musical, or OUAT), will be tagged with my aesthetic or study tags, rather than Elsa's main tag, to differentiate them.Also if you ignore Elsa, Anna and Iduna's ethnicities in your writing, I will not be following you.


Frozen I & Frozen II
Frozen Fever & Olaf's Frozen Adventure
Frozen the Musical
Elements from books (incl. Forest of Shadows & Dangerous Secrets)
More information can be found here.


PSDs by somresources, helpersofindie & weirdestwitch
All other graphics made by me, unless otherwise stated
Translation of runes from Frozen adapted from here.
est. 6 october 2013


My name is Holly, I’m 28 and my pronouns are she/her. I’m from the UK and I’ve been writing Elsa since 2013. I am autistic, so I may occasionally be a bit socially clueless. I try to do my best to always be friendly, but I will be the first to admit I do struggle with some things. But please feel free to some and chat with me if you ever want to!

born of cold and winter air

YESTER EVE, IN THIS THE TWELFTH MONTHKing Agnarr and Queen Iduna were delivered of a royal princess at Arendelle Castle! The princess, a flaxen-haired beauty, weighing seven pounds, will bear the esteemed moniker of Elsa. Princess Elsa, all hail her name, was born amidst the splendiloquent luminosities of the aurora borealis. Her birth was accompanied by an unanticipated meteorological phenomenon that blanketed the village in delicate crystals of ice.Both mother and child are well and taking their repose.

In Arendelle's fair kingdom, a ruler did appear
Born with a power so great,
Alone she stayed in fear
Although the force was hidden, one day she let it go
And all the land was covered
In eternal ice and snow



NAME. Elsa Kathrine Viktoria Therese Agnarrsdatter av Arendell.
AKA. Elsa, Queen Elsa, Fifth Spirit, Snow Queen.
NICKNAMES. my snow, my little snow (by her mother), sis (by anna), els
BIRTHDATE. December 21st 1820.
NAME DAY. April 17th.
AGE. 24.
PRONOUNS. she/her.
GENDER. cis female.
ORIENTATION. bisexual, women leaning.
ZODIAC SIGN. capricorn sun, cancer moon, virgo rising.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single. [verse dependent.]
BIRTHPLACE. Arendelle.
OCCUPATION. Queen, Fifth Spirit of the Enchanted Forest.
TITLES. By the Grace of God, Her Majesty, Queen Elsa I of Arendelle, Leader of the Arendellian Military, Grand Master of the Order of Arendellian Merit, Grand Master of the Royal Arendellian Order of St Olaf. | Her Majesty, Elsa, Queen of Arendelle.
LANGUAGES. Norwegian (native), Swedish (fluent), French (fluent), English (fluent), German (fluent), Russian (conversational), Italian (conversational), Northuldran/Northern Sámi (conversational). She can also read and write Latin and Ancient Greek.
PYSCHOLOGY. Suffers from depression and anxiety, which lessen significantly once she abdicates from the crown. Tends to hide her feelings, burying them. She can come across as cold and distant, even after opening the gates.
PHYSIOLOGY. Doesn't catch illnesses very often but when she does, they hit her hard. She has a lot of stamina, and can go for extended periods of time without tiring. Often holds herself still or stiffly. Movements while talking tend to remain around her hands.


GRANDFATHER. King Runeard of Arendelle (paternal), Nilse (maternal).
GRANDMOTHER. Queen Rita of Arendelle (paternal), Ervá (maternal).
FATHER. King Agnarr of Arendelle.
MOTHER. Queen Iduna of Arendelle.
SIBLINGS. Queen Anna of Arendelle.
OTHER. Kristoff Bjorgman (brother-in-law), Olaf (best friend), Sven (friend), King Frederic of Corona (uncle), Queen Arianna of Corona (aunt), Princess Willow (aunt), Princess Rapunzel of Corona (cousin)


HEIGHT. 5'3 / 161.5cm
HAIR. Platinum blonde, light waves, hip length. Usually tied back in a bun or braid pre-Frozen II.
EYES. Deep blue, almond shaped, with thick lashes.
BUILD. Lithe, bordering on thin. Athletic muscles. Wider hips than shoulders.
SKIN. Pale due to powers, light freckles across the bridge of her nose and shoulders. Soft and clear. Cooler than most people, skin of her hands and feet ice cold to the touch after using her powers.
SCARS & MARKS. Freckles after being in the sun, scar on the palm of her left hand, small snowflake scars on her chest from freezing.
POWERS. Cryokinetic powers: abilities over ice and snow. She can create anything she likes, with a little practice. Her magic also has the abilities to create life. She can freeze the water in anything she likes, although does not do it often. Unaffected by any cold other than the deepest part of Ahtohallan.


Deep down, Elsa is a worrier above all else. She cares deeply for her sister, and will stop anything from hurting her - even if that thing is herself. Due to her seclusion, she can be a little socially awkward when not talking to foreign dignitaries, or people of importance. Her lessons could not prepare her for chitchat with an ice harvester, or teach her how to talk to her sister. Elsa can be a little aloof, but is always open to bribes of her favourite treats - she may have a small appetiate, but her sweet tooth is never ending. Strawberry ice cream will probably get her to do whatever you want, provided it's not completely insane.Considering how few she got to spend with her family, Christmas is her favourite holiday. Something about the joy of the season always gets to her. As a child, she'd always sneak gifts into Anna's room the night before, so her sister could wake up to them.One of her favourite haunts is the library - a cup of tea with a good book is like heaven to her. If she cannot be found anywhere else, that's where she'll be. As a child she always poured over books - whether they were the fairytales she loved as a little girl, or the adventure stories or romances she read as a teenager. As she got older, they became an escape from her life of hidden secrets.One of her biggest fears is disappointing people. All through her childhood, she feared her parents disappointment - at not being a good Queen, or worse, unable to control the magic. While the closest relationship she had was with her father, she worried about letting her mother down just as much. The main reason she grew closer to the King was simply due to her birthright - the best way for her to learn to be Queen would be to observe the King. They gradually began to drift apart she got older, her anxieties taking control. Nothing pains her more than not hugging them goodbye one last time.A love for music was encouraged by her parents, and playing the piano was one of the only times she could touch anything without her gloves on. The music made sense in a world that seemed to lack logic, and people would regularly find the princess playing in her free time. Sometimes she'd play the pieces her music tutor wanted her to, serious, long things, but sometimes she would compose her own music - jaunty jigs that reminded her of Anna, little sweet pieces for her mother, grand, dark chords for her father. She still remembers all of them.


Frozen by the power of the moon in the sky.
The trolls from the dark mountain have healing hands.
A soul which has been wounded by cold will heal if
brought quickly to their field.
Trolls have the ability to remove all magic, and thaw
the body brought to them, in order to save the affected.
Only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.

1820.DEC 21. Elsa born, winter solstice, northern lights in the sky and ice crystals coated the village.
1824.JUN 22. Anna born, summer solstice.
1829.OCT 22. The Accident.
.OCT 23. The gates are closed and the staff reduced. Elsa moves into a new room.
1833.MAY 12. Twelve-year-old Elsa asks not to be touched anymore.
1839.SEP. Agnarr and Iduna set out on a journey to find Ahtohallan, unbeknownst to their children. Their ship goes down and they are lost to the sea.
1842.JUL 12. Elsa’s coronation. Her powers are revealed and she makes the ice palace on the North Mountain. Anna sets off to find her.
.JUL 13. Anna travels to Oaken’s, meets Kristoff and Sven and crashes the sled.
.JUL 14. Anna and Kristoff find Olaf, the ice palace, and Anna is struck by Elsa’s magic. They go to the trolls and Elsa is attacked and taken back to Arendelle by Hans.
.JUL 15. Elsa escapes from prison, Hans attempts to kill Anna, Anna freezes and thaws again. Elsa begins learning how to thaw the winter.
.JUL 16 - 20. Elsa travels around the kingdom thawing the winter and speaking with her people.
.DEC 24. The first Christmas since the gates were opened. Elsa and Anna believe they don’t have a family tradition like everyone else, and Olad goes out to find them one. Eventually they realise Olaf is their tradition.
1843.JUN 22. Anna’s nineteenth birthday. Elsa attempts to throw a surprise party, but has a cold and creates snowgies all day.
1844.SEP. Events of Fortest of Shadows. Elsa is possessed by the Nattmara, a spirit who can empbody your deepest fear. Her fears of failing as queen cause the Blight, afflicting livestock and crops. Eventually, anyone who falls asleep fails to wake up. Elsa and Anna, along with some friends, must find a solution, all the while thinking it is Anna who is the cause. Once all is fixed, only a handful of people remember it, including the sisters.
1845.SEP 20. Day of the Harvest Festival, Elsa begins to hear a strange voice calling to her. That night she sings with the voice.
.SEP 21. Elsa accidentally wakes the spirits of the Enchanted Forest. Arendelle Forced to flee to the cliffs. Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven travel to the forest.
.SEP 22. They enter the forest, find the Northuldra and Arendellian soldiers, meet Gale and Bruni and see the Earth spirits.
.SEP 23. Elsa and Anna find their parents’ ship and discover the king and queen were trying to find Ahtohallan to discover a way to help Elsa with her powers. Elsa sends Anna and Olaf away, and tries to cross the Dark Sea, fighting the Nokk. That night she finds Ahtohallan and becomes the fifth spirit.
.SEP 24. Elsa dives down into the heart of Ahtohallan to find the truth about the past. She freezes, having enough time to send a message to Anna. Anna breaks the dam, Elsa unfreezes and saves Arendelle with the help of the Nokk. The sisters reunite and Elsa abdicates.


Queen anointed, our chosen daughter
With blessed crown of gold
Northern glory, our golden sister
The heir to kings of old
Let our voice this sacred hour
Sing, praise and bring to light your power
Noble Queen of our Northern lands
We are in your hands

Born the beloved first child of King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, Elsa was special from the start. On the night of her birth, during the winter solstice when the moon was full, the northern lights could be seen in the sky and the village around the castle was covered in delicate crystals of ice. It was soon discovered that the baby had powers over ice and snow.Until the age of three the princess's position as an only child remained, only changed by the birth of her little sister, Anna. The pair were thick as thieves for the next five years, Elsa often indulging Anna with shows of magic when demanded, despite their parents' instructions to keep it as secret as possible.But all of that changed one night, as the season slowly changed into autumn, when Elsa learned a darker side of her powers. While playing, she accidentally struck Anna in the head when trying to catch her before she fell from a great height. The younger girl was rendered unconscious, freezing to the touch and unable to be woken. A trip to the trolls healed Anna of this affliction, leaving behind only a white strand of hair and memories wiped of the powers belonging to her sister. However, the trolls also passed on a warning: fear would be Elsa’s enemy, and if people knew of her powers, she could be killed.After the terrifying vision, King Agnarr made a decision: to close the castle gates, reduce the staff, limit Elsa’s contact with people and keep her magic a secret from all. Including Anna.So began thirteen years of isolation. Elsa moved out of the nursery and into a room of her own, wore the gloves her father assured her would help her conceal her powers. At the age of twelve, Elsa denied physical touch from anyone, including her parents. At the age of eighteen, she was confronted by a messenger two weeks after their parents were due back. He bore a simple message:The king is dead. Long live the queen.

Preparations began for Elsa’s coronation, even if it was three years away. While not yet crowned, she was still acting queen, and so already had plenty of experience by the time the day arrived. Her greatest fear was revealing to her people that she was a monster, a witch, cursed to be born with powers that could injure, that could kill.On the day of her coronation, all was going well (despite frost appearing on the orb and sceptre) until an argument broke out between the sisters. Anna, in her yearning to be free of the castle, wished to marry a man she had just met that very day: Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. Before all of the guests at the coronation party, Elsa’s deepest held secret was revealed. Unable to remain around the people who looked upon her with fear, proclaiming her a monster, she fled.Out of the castle, over the fjord she froze at a touch, out into the forests and eventually up the North Mountain itself. There she finally decided to abandon the rules that had governed her life up until that point. Finally revelling in the magic she hadn’t been allowed to enjoy in thirteen years, Elsa built herself a castle, a palace, made of ice. It was a place she could finally be herself, without the possibility of hurting people.Several days later, Anna arrived, telling Elsa that she had inadvertently caused winter to fall in the middle of July, and that she needed to undo it. However, despite her newfound enjoyment of her powers, Elsa still has no clue how to reverse anything she did. The panic attack that followed sent her powers out of control again, the storm finally realised in the air around both of them. Eventually it all blasted out from Elsa, and she accidentally struck Anna’s heart.

All of this was too much for her to take, and she sent Anna, Kristoff and Olaf away by creating a guard for herself, a huge snow creature later named Marshmallow. Thinking herself finally alone again, that peace was shattered by the arrival of Prince Hans and several guards. Elsa fought for her life against two from Weselton, until she lost herself in her anger. After Hans broke her out of it, and she saw what she was about to do to the two men, Elsa gave herself up and allowed herself to be taken back to Arendelle.The prison cells in Arendelle were not often used, but this one had several years earlier been given a special purpose. Hidden within were shackles, specifically designed by the young monarch to contain her hands, should her magic ever pose a greater threat that it already did. And it was here she was locked away to await a sentence from the man who was, unbeknownst to her, trying to steal her throne. As the storm outside grew, Elsa managed to break the shackles and the wall of the prison, fleeing out onto the frozen fjord.In the blizzard, Hans managed to find the terrified queen. In order to stop her, he told her that her sister was dead. That her magic had killed her. Grief swept over her, and the storm around the ceased, replaced by snowflakes floating in the air around them. Drawing his sword, Hans was about to cut her down when Anna stepped in the way, freezing just as the sword struck.Seeing her sister dead before her eyes was too much for Elsa to handle. Finally touching her sister for the first time in over a decade, she collapsed against Anna’s frozen form. But then, warmth and softness began to return to the princess’s body -- an act of true love had taken place, and Anna was restored. And that was the secret of Elsa’s powers: love.With this new knowledge, Elsa reversed the winter. The sunny, summer day it was supposed to be returned. Prince Hans was arrested, and set to be sent back to the Southern Isles in disgrace. At last able to enjoy her magic and share it with others again, Elsa decorated the castle and created an ice skating rink in the courtyard, celebrating with her people, who had accepted her for who she was.

That December, the first Jul since the gates were opened once again, Elsa and Anna prepared to hold a party for the entire kingdom. But after ringing the Yule Bell, and signalling the beginning of the season, everyone they had wanted to invite inside began to head home, to partake in their family traditions, making the sisters realise they didn’t have any. Blaming herself for this, Elsa left, closing another door in Anna’s face.Later, feeling guilty for her actions, Elsa went to Anna’s room to apologise. However the girl was up in the attics, hunting for traditions for them. Amongst Anna’s childhood playthings and Elsa’s gloves, Elsa found something precious.While the sisters were reminiscing, Olaf had gone out to find traditions for them by interviewing the entirety of Arendelle. However his collection was ruined by a series of mishaps that ended up with all of them on a fire at the bottom of a ravine. Wolves began to chase Olaf as he clutched the last remaining tradition: a fruitcake. After outrunning the wolves, a triumphant Olaf had the fruitcake stolen by a hawk. Despondent, the snowman sat in the forest and eventually covered by snow.After seeing his friend being chased off, Sven raced back to Arendelle castle to tell everyone what had happened. The search was long and desperate, but eventually Elsa and Anna managed to find Olaf. Kneeling at his side, they explained that they always had a tradition: him. Each Christmas, Anna would make something for Elsa that was Olaf related, and it was a way for them to keep a connection, even while separated.

Elsa was determined to make Anna’s first birthday since the gates opened a special one. She had planned an elaborate game of ‘follow the string’ to take Anna to all of her various and many gifts. However, her plans were scuppered somewhat by the fact that Elsa had managed to catch a cold.While initially the same as anyone else, it soon became apparent that not only had Elsa caught a cold: so too, it seemed, had her powers. Each time she sneezed, a small creature called a snowgie appeared. Sometimes two, or three, or more, would appear, and they were determined to cause havoc. Specifically -- with the cake Elsa had ordered Kristoff to protect.Meanwhile, delirious from the fever and possibly drunk on whatever Oaken had put in his cold medicine, Elsa almost fell from the top of the clock tower. Anna finally put her foot down and took the queen back to the castle where they both discovered the snowgies. After a brief celebration, and the queen blowing the birthday bukkehorn, Anna forced her sister into bed, announcing her favourite gift was being allowed to care for Elsa.

Two years after taking the crown, strange occurrences start to happen in Arendelle. Just when Elsa is meant to be setting out for her first Royal Tour an illness strikes. First cattle begin to fall into a deep sleep, one from which they cannot be awakened, while their fur turned white. The following day, the crops began to rot in the fields. The curse was called the Blight, and Elsa was charged with fixing the problem in three days, thanks to Anna's pronouncement at a gathering of their people.That night, Anna awoke from a nightmare and went hunting for a cup of hot chocolate. Instead, she found a giant white wolf with glowing yellow eyes, and the members of the castle caught in nightmares. Upon attempting to wake them, all that happened was their eyes would open, revealing them to be completely black and they would scream. And scream. And scream. Eventually their eyes would shift from black to yellow, and glowing, like the wolf. And then the sleepers started to give chase.Finding Elsa and Olaf, and picking up Kristoff and Sven on the way, the group managed to escape the castle through a secret passage. Anna believed the wolf to be her fault, after she had recited a spell meant to grant dreams. What she didn't know was that it was actually the fault of a creature known as the Nattmara, tiny sandlike things that took the power from the fear generated from nightmares. The Blight, the wolf — they weren't Anna's fault. They were Elsa's.Her fears of failing as a ruler had caught the attention of the Nattmara, causing her worst fears to come true. And as their group was broken up by the Nattmara taking them in their grasp, eventually Elsa fell under their grip as well. The key to fixing the whole mess was, of course, true love. Anna's love for her sister managed to break through the Nattmara's hold and all was eventually returned to normal. Anyone that had been trapped under the spell of the creature, save Elsa, forgot the events of those few days and the nightmares they were held in. But those who had remained awake never forgot.

Three years after the events of her coronation, on the day of the Harvest Festival, Elsa began to hear a strange voice calling to her. However, she quickly discovered that no one else was able to hear it, and decided it would be best to ignore it for now. But that night it became too strong to ignore the pull, and she accidentally awoke the spirits of the Enchanted Forest her father had once told her and Anna about. Spirits that had been restless ever since the Battle of the Dam, all those years ago. And they turned their anger against Arendelle.After herding the people of Arendelle to the cliffs overlooking the village and castle, and consulting with the trolls, the decision was made to go to the Enchanted Forest. The mist that had coated the forest for so long lifted briefly at Elsa's touch before dragging her, Anna, Kristoff, Sven and Olaf into its barriers, falling closed again behind them. Within they found a forest in the midst of autumn, yet tinged with a sensation of magic.The first spirit they encountered was the spirit of the wind, named Gale by Olaf. Combining with Elsa's magic, memories of the past were made physical as ice sculptures, including one of the sisters' father in the arms of a strange girl. Before they could investigate further, they were found by those who had been trapped within the forest for all this time. A small group of Arendellian soldiers and the Northuldra who had always called the forest home. Before real introductions could be made, the second spirit made themselves known: the spirit of fire.Putting her powers to good use, Elsa managed to tame and befriend the small salamander that was the physical form of the fire spirit, named Bruni. And while trying to comfort Anna with their mother's shawl, the Northuldra recognised the patterning upon it: Iduna had been Northuldra, meaning both sisters held heritage from both sides of the conflict that had lasted so long.

While talking to Honeymaren, a Northuldran girl, later that evening, Elsa learned of the legend telling of a fifth spirit: a bridge between humans and magic. But before she could learn more, the Earth Giants came towards the camp. Being made of rock, large as mountains, they had wandered far from their normal home. Anna managed to convince Elsa not to go after them just yet, and to instead follow the voice — which Elsa now felt was leading them to Ahtohallan, the river of memories from the Northuldran lullaby Iduna used to sing to them.However on their journey after the voice, Elsa and Anna encountered a beached shipwreck. A shipwreck they both recognised, a shipwreck still flying the Arendellian flag: their parents' ship. Within the wreck they found a map indicating their parents had not been on a journey to the Southern Sea, as they had said, but were instead looking for Ahtohallan, in hope it would have answers about Elsa and her powers.Overcome with this information, Elsa sent Anna and Olaf back towards the Northuldran village, determined not to put any more of her family in danger. It was time to cross the Dark Sea, and in attempting to do so, she met the last of the spirits: the Nokk, the spirit of water. After a fierce battle between them, Elsa managed to befriend the water horse, and ride to Ahtohallan. It was not just a river, but a glacier: a river of ice. And finally she knew why she had been granted her powers: to allow her entry into the depths of Ahtohallan.Within she found the memories of her beloved mother calling out to her. And she also found the figure of her grandfather, King Runeard, a man she had never met but heard much about. His words betrayed a fear of magic and magic users, and it was only by sacrificing her own life and going too far could Elsa learn the truth of what had happened between Arendelle and the Northuldra. Rather than being a meeting of friendship, the dam had been a ploy to get the Northuldrans defences down so that Runeard could ambush them.As her body froze to solid ice, Elsa was able to use one last piece of magic to send the memory to Anna. Thankfully, her sister knew what to do, and once the dam was broken with the help of the Earth Giants, Elsa thawed once more, and saved from the water by the Nokk. Together they raced to save Arendelle from the tidal wave heading its way, before turning back to the forest.

It was on a rocky beach that Elsa reunited with Anna, telling her their home had not been destroyed. After watching her sister get engaged ( at long last ), Elsa had one last job to put things right. With a wave of her hand, and the knowledge that water has memory, she remade the little snowman who had flurried away upon her death. With that, there little family was whole once more.With the knowledge of her destiny, Elsa made a decision. It was time she abdicated from the throne and take up the duties of the Fifth Spirit, along with Anna, acting as a bridge between magic and people. Besides, she knew Arendelle would be in the excellent hands of a new queen: Anna.After seeing her sister crowned, Elsa splits her time between Arendelle and the lands of the Northuldra. Family game nights are still a regular fixture, and she makes sure to visit the river of memories whenever she can.


AHTOHALLAN. Also called the River of Memories, Ahtohallan holds all the memories of the past. A glacier to the far north, even further than the lands of the Northuldra. Ahtohallan is impenetrable to anyone but the spirits or someone with magic capable of surviving the cold, like Elsa. In certain places the ice forms structures that seem to hint at there once having been a building within the glacier.

AREN. The ancient figure of myth. Aren is said to be responsible for the creation of the Arenfjord, using his sword, Revolute, to cut it into the earth for his people. A saga was written in his honour, helping the people of Arendelle remember him.

ARENDELLE. Also written as Arendell. A small Scandinavian country to the east of Norway. Its history dates back centuries, much of it mythologised in the Saga of Aren. Often seen as insular and odd, Arendellians will welcome newcomers to their home with open arms.

ARENFJORD. The fjord that is the heart of the main town of Arendelle. Said to have been cut from the earth by Aren with his magical sword.

THE BLIGHT. The name given to the mysterious illness affecting crops and animals, caused by the Nattmara. In animals, it presents as a deep, nightmare filled sleep from which the creature cannot be awoken, as well as any fur or hair turning white. Plants affected by the Blight will wilt and rot incredibly quickly.

BRUNI. The spirit of fire. This little salamander is very friendly once you get to know him, and has a special love of all things cold. The fire he creates is usually pink and purple in colour and leaves no lasting damage behind.

BUNAD. Traditional Norwegian clothes often worn in Arendelle for day to day. Most notable for the decorative floral-like embroidery on each piece, similar to the rosemåling found all over Arendelle.

THE COUNCIL. A group of men responsible for helping the monarch rule Arendelle. Entirely male when Elsa took the throne, but she slowly managed to include more and more women. Members originally came only from the upper classes and aristocracy, but eventually village leaders were also encouraged to join.

THE EARTH GIANTS. The spirits of the earth. These large beings are mostly content to simply sleep their days away, but their strength and size can be dangerous if they are crossed.

GALE. The spirit of wind. Gale was once a special friend of Iduna, Elsa's mother. Now she happily delivers messages between the two sisters when they are apart. Gale cannot be seen, except for if she sweeps up some leaves or other forest debris.

GRAND TOUR. The traditional trip taken by Arendellian royals to visit neighbouring kingdoms. Elsa's grand tour had to be cancelled due to the Blight, but dignitaries of the countries she was to visit came to Arendelle instead.

THE GREAT HALL. The large ballroom where most all important events take place in the castle. This room holds the monarch's throne and is where they meet with their people on a regular basis to discuss any problems that may be occurring. Balls are also held here, as well as the occasional late-night snowman building session.

HULDREFÓLK. Another creature originally thought to be just myth, the Huldrefólk (singular: Hulder) are a race that collect lost things. Huldrefólk are incredible secretive, and no one has ever seen a Hulder's tail, as they always keep them out of sight. They are the natural enemy of the Nattmara. The Huldrefólk of Arendelle keep a library of lost items in a turf house, and their main home is found deep under Miner's Mountain. Many Huldrefólk only parrot back words they picked up from people, but some have read enough to be able to create sentences for themselves, rather than simply repeat.

KRUMKAKE. A Norwegian treat also enjoyed in Arendelle. A cone-shaped waffle with a cream filling, although this can be swapped out for whatever the maker desires. People trying a krumkake for the first time are encouraged to try and eat the whole thing in one go.

NATTMARA. A creature of myth with a name meaning 'nightmare', the Nattmara is capable of harnessing and feeding on fear. The Nattmara appears as black sand, and it capable of taking over a person's mind. When under the control of the Nattmara a person is trapped in their worst nightmare, until the curse is broken.

THE NOKK. The spirit of water. Appears as a large horse made entirely of water. The Nokk plays the role of the protector of the Dark Sea, keeping strangers away from Ahtohallan. Skittish upon first being met, the Nokk eventually comes around to meeting others and learns to be a little gentler.

NORTHULDRA. The people loosely based on the real life Sámi people of Scandinavia, the Northuldra keep to the lands north of Arendelle. They keep a close relationship with the spirits of the Enchanted Forest, and herd reindeer. Several different groups exist, led by a council of elders.

THE SOUTHERN ISLES. A kingdom to the south of Arendelle, known for its thirteen princes, and most notably Prince Hans. Most of the princes and the king himself come across as brutes to much of the wider community, especially after Hans' behaviour is made public.

THE TROLLS. The creatures who inhabit the Valley of Living Rock. When they are resting, the trolls look like nothing more than round boulders. When they are awake, however, the trolls can be quite lively and perhaps overwhelming. The trolls are led by Grand Pabbie.

THE VALLEY OF LIVING ROCK. The hidden valley where the trolls live. Found upon a hot spring, giving it a warmth that the surrounding area doesn't feel.

WESELTON. One of Arendelle's oldest trading partners until Elsa cuts off their contact following her coronation. Home to the Duke of Weselton.


verses taking place during the events of the movies, shorts & books. compliant with the canon established within them.

verses that cover alternate universes: some are diversions from canon, some are crossovers.

canon verses

click verse title for tag.


AGE. 0 to 8 years old.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.
TIMELINE. Pre-Accident.


Born 21st December 1820, under the glow of the Northern Lights, Princess Elsa of Arendelle is the eldest daughter of King Agnarr and Queen Iduna of Arendelle and heir to the throne. From birth to the age of eight, Elsa is a happy little girl, much more interested in playing with her little sister than the concerns of her kingdom. Together with Anna and her magic, she can be quite the little troublemaker, but is always quick to apologise if things go wrong.


AGE. 8 to 18 years old.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.
TIMELINE. Post-Accident, pre-parents' deaths.


After the accident, it was like Elsa's whole world was turned upside down. Her father had the gates closed, the staff reduced, Elsa was kept away from the public eye. But worse--she was kept away from Anna. What was meant to be temporary quickly became permanent, with no end in sight. And only a handful of people could say why the Crown Princess began wearing her gloves religiously.


AGE. 18 to 21 years old.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.
TIMELINE. Post-parents' deaths up to the reveal of her powers on coronation day.


When Elsa is just eighteen, her parents take a fateful journey, meant only to last two weeks. However, their ship is wrecked in a storm and both perish, leaving their daughter the rightful Queen of Arendelle. However, she cannot be crowned until her twenty first birthday, and so rules with the help of Kai at her side. On the long-awaited day itself, all seems to go well until she has an argument with Anna that reveals her secret, causing her to flee.


AGE. 21 years old.
RESIDENCE. The North Mountain.
TIMELINE. Let It Go to For the First Time In Forever Reprise.


The absolute worst has happened--Elsa lost control. The whole of Arendelle and various dignitaries now know her secret, and she has fled to the North Mountain. Once there, there is no going back. Arendelle must be kept safe, and from her new home, she can enjoy her powers again after so long without putting anyone in danger. It's a period of discovery--which quickly turns to fear when Anna turns up, telling her Arendelle's fate.


AGE. 21 years old.
RESIDENCE. The North Mountain.
TIMELINE. For the First Time in Forever reprise to the Great Thaw.


Following Anna’s visit, Elsa fears that the worst side of her powers has been revealed. Once again she has struck her sister with her magic and pushed her away. Eventually, she is dragged back to Arendelle in chains and with the storm around them only growing stronger.

frozen, olaf's frozen adventure & frozen fever.

AGE. 21 to 24 years old.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.
TIMELINE. From the Great Thaw, through to the start of Frozen II.


After every that has happened, Elsa is reunited with her sister, and the gates are opened. And with everyone accepting her powers, come way may, she won't be closing them again. Also encompasses Frozen Fever and Olaf’s Frozen Adventure.


AGE. 24 years old.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


Three years after her coronation, Elsa begins to hear a mysterious voice calling to her. After accidentally waking the spirits of the Enchanted Forest, Elsa, along with Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven, venture to the forest her father told her about all those years ago.


AGE. 24 years old.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.
TIMELINE. After the events of Frozen II.


Post Frozen II verse. Elsa is the fifth spirit of the Enchanted Forest, and one half of the bridge connecting Arendelle and the forest. She has abdicated from the throne, and Anna is now queen.

au verses

click verse title for tag.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Variable.
TIMELINE. Variable.


A general AU verse. For unspecified or yet to be named AUs.

titanic & 1920s au.

AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle & New York.
TIMELINE. 1910s to 1920s.


I. After losing their parents in the sinking of the Titanic at age eighteen, Elsa must step into the role of queen long before she was ready for it. With a younger sister to care for, the world seems to be changing just as rapidly as their lives had done on that cold April night.II. A small family from a small country neighbouring Norway, Elsa and Anna were amongst the lucky few third class passengers to make it off the infamous ship, Titanic. Their parents, however, were lost that night. Trapped in an unfamiliar city, with a language they did not speak fluently and totally alone, they must come to grips with their new reality.

commoner au.

AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle.
TIMELINE. Same as Frozen.


Rather than being born into royalty, Elsa is the daughter of an Arendellian carpenter. Their lives as simpler, and from a young age she wishes to follow in her father's footsteps. Her powers remain mostly under control with no accident to cause her anxiety, however she and her parents decide it best to keep them a secret from all but those close to them.

motherhood verse.

AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle.
TIMELINE. Post-Frozen / Post-Frozen II.


Elsa as a mother. Either to outside OCs, or daughter, Frida, and son, Aleksander. Under construction.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle.


What if the accident never happened? What if the magic missed? Elsa and Anna, allowed to grow up as best friends and the closest of confidants. Some things will always remain the same--but here the gates are never closed, and the princesses are never separated.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle.


Iduna and Agnarr married in secret, the prince running away from the castle to live a simple life as a carpenter. But when their children were still young, they were found out. Agnarr and his daughters were taken back to the castle, the girls to be raised under the eye of their grandfather. Verse written with applesforanna's Anna only.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle.


I. On a late winter night, two girls were born to the King and Queen and Arendelle. One slightly older than the other, they were as alike as could be. But one was always fated to have the weight of a kingdom on her shoulders, while the other could only watch.II. With vetrhridar only. Runa was born two years before her younger sister Elsa, and five years before Anna. The eldest of the three girls, she struggles to balance her relationship with her sisters during their separation.


AGE. 24 years old.
RESIDENCE. The Enchanted Forest.
TIMELINE. Post-Frozen II.


Ahtohallan was not content to simply gift magic to her new fifth spirit. A price must be paid in return. The river took the memories that filled Elsa’s mind, that made up who she was. She simply became the spirit she was born to be, with no past to be remembered.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


I. Elsa is ten years younger than her elder sister, Anna. At the age of five, the loss of her parents left her bonding incredibly closely with her sister, often found by her side. Although doubted to take the throne, the younger girl was always diligent in her studies.II. Anna had been a surprise for their parents, but much beloved by all of them. However, when Elsa was eighteen, and her sister just a toddler of two when they lost their parents. Elsa takes up the role of Anna’s caregiver, glad to do it for a girl she loves so much.

Modern AU.

AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


I. Descended from royalty, Elsa is a little bit of a hot mess. However, she manages to get it together enough to set up her own architecture firm, letting her work mostly from home. Whether this is a blessing or a curse, is yet to be seen.II. Being royalty in the twenty-first century isn't really that much easier than in the nineteenth. While nothing more than a figurehead, Elsa is still often in the limelight and a topic of gossip.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


Based on the Twisted Tale book. Elsa interfered with Grand Pabbie’s attempt to change her sister’s memories, leading to a curse being placed on each of them. If Anna was too close to her sister, she would begin to freeze to solid ice. In order to protect both girls, Pabbie erased each other's memory of the other, as well as Arendelle’s memory of their younger princess. No longer remembering the girl she had grown up with, Elsa also forgot she had powers, they too being suppressed by the magic of the troll. Raised as the king and queen’s only daughter, she remained close to them all her life – never learning of her sister’s existence. Until their deaths, when her powers made themselves known, and the discovery of a letter from her mother forcing her to remember. Fleeing before she could be crowned, Elsa waits desperately for Anna to remember her in return.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


She does not shrink back in fear. After seeing what her people think of her, Elsa finally decides to become the monster they thought she was. Hard and cold to all bar one, the Queen of Arendelle is not one to be tested.



AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. In hiding.


After being condemned to death, Elsa and Anna manage to escape from Arendelle, leaving their country under the control of Hans. On the run, they must learn to survive on their own, while also keeping their identities a secret until the day they can return to their home.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


King Runeard escaped from the Enchanted Forest the day the mist fell, and kept his family under his ever increasing paranoid hold. Elsa’s magic is kept hidden from her grandfather, and known only to her immediate family. Each summer, the family escapes to the estate on the outskirts of Arendelle for some freedom.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


After being accepted by Arendelle as their ruler, Hans keeps the former queen as his prisoner, bringing her out only for important events.


AGE. 21+.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


Arendelle is under sudden attack by Weselton. Following an attack on one of the sisters, war is declared on their former allies. Together, they must prepare to fight for their freedom and safety. Private verse with applesforanna.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


It is a mystery. One day the girl gifted with powers awakes without them. Her platinum blonde hair turns the same shade as her mother’s, a chestnut brown. Elsa must adjust to suddenly being ‘normal’ and whether or not she actually likes this change.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Circus train.
TIMELINE. Early 20th Century.


It is the early twentieth century, and the circus is in town. They have all the usual fare: acrobats, trapeze, animal acts, clowns. But there is one act where even the brightest and most observant audience members cannot deduce the ways in which it is performed: the circus’ very own snow queen.


Winter coronation AU.

AGE. 21.
RESIDENCE. Arendelle Castle.


Rather than having her coronation in the middle of summer, allowing guests from all around to attend, Elsa choose to hold it in the depths of winter, the January after she comes of age. With the fjord frozen over, there are few in attendance, and certainly no princes of the Southern Isles. Things seem to go to plan, and life returns to normal. But how long can that normalcy last now both sisters have had a taste of freedom?



AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. The Southern Isles.


The Arendelle royal family were on a visit to another kingdom when revolt struck. In the chaos of trying to escape, Elsa is lost and injured, her memory of her life before that night erased. Sent to an orphanage with other children who lost family that night, she grew up believing any fleeting memories of a past were simply dreams and nothing more. However, one day, a man pulls her aside and tells her she bears a striking resemblance to Arendelle’s lost princess. With the help of Hans Westergaard, Elsa returns to Arendelle in the hunt to find her family.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. Norway & Arendelle Castle.


Revolt in Arendelle leads to the death of the king and the loss of the youngest princess. The queen and crown princess managed to escape and are sheltered within another kingdom in a modest estate. The pair only has each other until Elsa is left alone when her mother dies. Shortly afterwards, word reaches her — the revolution has been quashed, and she is requested to take the throne. Once there, and in need of a ladies maid, a girl is brought to her from a local abbey, named Anna.


AGE. Variable.
RESIDENCE. The Enchanted Forest.
TIMELINE. Norse Mythology.


Daughter of a Norse goddess, Elsa and Anna set out to discover what became of their parents after they left the protection of the forest.



AGE. Variable.
TIMELINE. 2013 onwards.


Based on The Last of Us. After her parents were stuck in America following the outbreak, Elsa grows up in a time of infection, death and destruction, with only her family for solace.



All information taken from the movies, shorts and books (specifically Forest of Shadows and Dangerous Secrets). Characters marked with OC. are my own creation and not for use without permission. Some information taken from the Frozen wiki, which can be found here.


KING RUNEARD OF ARENDELLE. Elsa's paternal grandfather. A cold man who never could accept things going anyway other than the one he wanted. Died in the Enchanted Forest at the Battle of the Dam.

NILSE. Elsa's maternal grandfather. Little is known about Iduna's parents, even by the queen herself. Both died when she was five years old in an attack on their village. OC.

KING AGNARR OF ARENDELLE. Elsa's father. He never felt he could live up to his father's expectations, no matter how hard he tried. Always a loving and protective father, he did his best for his children, even if he was misguided.

QUEEN ANNA OF ARENDELLE. Elsa's sister. Her best friend from when they were toddlers, Elsa would do anything for Anna. Together they make an amazing team, whether for good or for mischief. Elsa couldn't think of anyone better to take over the crown.

KRISTOFF BJORGMAN. Anna's fiancé, soon to be Elsa's brother-in-law. Ice cutter mountain man turned Royal Ice Harvester and Deliverer. The brother Elsa didn't know she needed. The pair can be rather similar in their ways, and she finds comfort spending time with him.

MARSHMALLOW. The large snowman Elsa built to protect her ice palace. Olaf's little brother, he now lives with the snowgies she made during Anna's nineteenth birthday.

QUEEN RITA OF ARENDELLE. Elsa's paternal grandmother. Married Runeard to make an alliance of their countries, but was never happy. After many years of loneliness she escaped to the trolls when her son, Agnarr, was five to ask them to remove her memories of the life she had lived, including those of her child. She was never heard from again. Fate unknown.

ERVÁ. Elsa's maternal grandmother. Little is known about Iduna's parents, even by the queen herself. Both died when she was five years old in an attack on their village. Evrá knitted the shawl Iduna eventually passes down to her daughters. OC.

QUEEN IDUNA OF ARENDELLE. Elsa's mother. Born of the Northuldra people, Iduna was forced to hide who she was following the Battle of the Dam, when the mist descended with her on the Arendelle side. Smart and hardworking, she and Agnarr were childhood sweethearts.

OLAF THE SNOWMAN. The childhood creation of Elsa and Anna, brought to life. This little snowman contains elements of both sisters, for better or worse.

SVEN THE REINDEER. Kristoff's best friend. Elsa wasn't sure how she'd feel about a reindeer moving into the castle, but it seems to have worked out in the end.

BJORN. A bear made from snow by Elsa to pull a sleigh. Very friendly.


KAI. Head servant of the castle. He takes on many jobs, especially when the gates are closed and staff reduced. Always at the monarch's right hand, if a job needs to be done around the castle, Kai is the man to ask.

OLINA. Cook. Olina has had her job since Agnarr was a boy, and she's very good at it. She knows when to turn a blind eye to royal children swiping sweets between meals and when to distract them with something else.

LORD PETERSSEN. A member of the Arendellian nobility. He was the right-hand man for Runeard and was regent for Agnarr before he came of age. He still provides guidance to both Elsa and Anna but more often acts like a doting uncle.

BRITA. One of Elsa's maids, around the same age as the sisters. Discreet with information gleaned about the royals and often defensive over both girls. OC.

DR. PÅL. Doctor of Arendelle castle from Elsa's childhood onward. A kind man, concerned with the wellbeing of their royal family and anyone else who needs him within the castle. Originally created by applesforanna. OC.

GERDA. The housekeeper of Arendelle Castle. The female equivalent of Kai's position, Gerda often works together with him, and the pair will scheme to help their royal family with their various messes. Elsa tends to see her like the grandmother she never had.

MISS LARSEN. Tutor and governess to Elsa. She was also Agnarr and Iduna's tutor when they were children, and she takes no nonsense from her pupils.

DESTIN MATTIAS. Member of the Arendellian Royal Guard. Originally Agnarr's personal guard, and very close to the prince, he was trapped inside the mist when it fell at the Battle of the Dam. Once released, Anna made him into a general.

HEIDI. One of Elsa's maids, around the same age as the sisters. A close friend of Brita's, often the warmer and chattier of the two, willing to fill the silences Elsa leaves in her wake. OC.


YELENA. Leader of the remaining Northuldra after the Battle of the Dam. After the Elders were killed that day, or later passed away, Yelena took up duties of leading their people. A little gruff at first, Yelena does have a soft spot. Knew Iduna as a child.

RYDER. A little awkward, Ryder is at heart a sweet and kind person. Brother of Honeymaren.

HONEYMAREN. Elsa's first friend in the Northuldra. A warrior looking to prove herself, Honeymaren is calm and warm to new friends and old. Sister of Ryder.


WAEL. Reporter for the Village Crown newspaper.

ADA DIAZ. One of Arendelle's two blacksmiths. Wife of Tuva Diaz.

TUVA DIAZ. One of Arendelle's two blacksmiths. Wife of Ada Diaz.

SOYUN LIM. SoYun is one of Arendelle's cattle herders. Recently moved from Chatho to Arendelle.

MRS. BLODGET. Owner and baker at Blodget's Bakery.

ANDERS. A fish merchant whose fish were kept fresh by an ice box from Elsa.

FRITZ. Innkeeper.

NORVALD. The town's milliner and is known as "Nervous Norvald" for his habit of worrying.

MADAM ENIOLA. Originally from Tikaani, Eniola lives in a cottage on the outskirts of Arendelle village.

OAKEN. Owner of Wandering Oaken's. Oaken will sell most anything you could want to buy, for what he will tell you is a fair price.

SOREN. Local scientist and possible sorcerer. Lives in the mountains outside of the village.

GUNNAR. Florist.

DAGMAR. A seamstress who ran the village laundry. The building of a sewer system allowed her to transport water to the laundry a lot more easily.

FLORIAN. A tall, thin man who owns the shop "Florian's Famous Flangendorfers" and is known for his pastries. His family has had a presence in Arendelle since the time of his great-great-great-great-great-uncle, who invented the Flangendorfer recipe.


GRAND PABBIE. The oldest and wisest of the trolls, possessing a great amount of knowledge and magic. Pabbie can relay visions of the future as well as heal many magical ailments.

BULDA. The female troll who took in and raised Kristoff and Sven. A little over enthusiastic at times, but means well.

CLIFF. Bulda's partner.


THE DUKE OF WESELTON. A busybody of an old man, constantly trying to figure out Arendelle's secrets. Following his actions in the days of Elsa's coronation, contact is cut off with him and his home.

KING ERIC OF ARENDELLE. Elsa's great-great-great-great grandfather.

QUEEN ELSE OF ARENDELLE. Elsa's great-great grandmother.

PRINCE HANS WESTERGAARD OF THE SOUTHERN ISLES. Thirteenth prince of the Southern Isles. Hans wished for more than anything to have a kingdom of his own, and seeing he would have no luck in his own, he sought out the throne of Arendelle. After trying to kill both royal sisters, he was banished and put under the care of his older brothers.

PRINCESS RUNA OF VASSAR. The original pick for an arranged marriage for Aganrr, Princess Runa is the daughter of King Nicholas.